Instructions for setting up the exchange of site data with 1C 8.x using the example of the configuration of UT 2.3
The OkayCMS / Integration1C module is responsible for the integration with 1C in OkayCMS. To go to its settings, in the admin. panel, go to the Modules section and find the OkayCMS / Integration1C module there. Inside the module there are settings for more flexible integration with 1C.
Next, you need to follow these steps.
1. In the 1C program menu, select the "Service" item and in the drop-down list select "Data exchange with the WEB-site",
then select the item "Configure data exchange with the WEB-site".
2. If you create a new setting, then in the next window select the item "Create a new setting for exchanging with the WEB-site"
3. In the next window, you need to specify what exactly you will upload or download (goods, orders), as well as specify the path to the exchange file on the site. For your site, you will see this link in the module settings. By default in OkayCMS this is the path
In the fields "User" and "Password" you must enter the username and password that you use to enter the admin panel of the site. Then you need to click the "Check" button. If the connection is configured correctly, you will see a window
4. In the next window, the parameters for unloading goods are configured. If you use pictures in the product and want to upload them to the site, then put the appropriate checkbox. Next, you need to tick off the data of the goods that you want to download.
IMPORTANT!!! In the "Nomenclature" field, in the "Comparison type" column, select the item "In a group from the list", then in the "Value" column, in the opened dialog you need to add all groups of goods that you want to upload to the site.
- If you want to upload a certain type of prices to the site, for example, Internet price, then you must specify it in the "Type of prices" field.
- If you want to upload the balance from a certain warehouse to the site, then this warehouse must be specified in the "Remains by warehouse" field.
- If you want to upload only goods with a positive balance to the site, then in the “Balance” field we indicate, for example, “> 0”.
5. The next window specifies where new contractors and new products will be uploaded, if they are not created in 1C, but created on the site. IMPORTANT!!! Do not change the item "Method of identifying counterparties"
6. In the next window, you can specify what date to put in new (loaded) orders and what to do with new documents, to post immediately or only to record (save)
7. The next window specifies the unloading mode, full unloading, or unload only changed goods. There is no need to change anything else.
8. In the last window, you can configure the period of automatic data exchange. If you do not do this, then the exchange will occur only when the processing is manually called.
This completes the setting of the exchange parameters.
Clarification about the exchange with UNF
What to do if the connection does not occur with 1C and the site:
- check if your site is not turned off? Also check the SSL connection, if you have a self-signed certificate, then 1C does not establish such a connection
- If there is no connection, then most likely the problem is somewhere in the unloading from the 1C s
Т.к. в функционировании импорта из 1С инициирующей стороной является 1С, то как раз в описании модуля есть инфо о параметрах и адресах страниц сайта к которым 1С обращается для передачи и отправки данных а потом и для запуска самого импорта данных о товарах и вариантах.
у мене така проблемка, якщо на сайті робити редірект на https: через файл htaccess, то вигрузка не працюе, хоч і при перевірці підключення пише "Соединение установлено успешно", коли пробуеш зробить вигрузку пише" Выгружено товаров: 1 180
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якщо забрати редірект на https: в файлі htaccess, то все працюе нормально!
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