A new version of OkayCMS 1.1.9 has been released


Into the new version of OkayCMS 1.1.9. included the following changes:

Major changes:

Removed unnecessary comments in the standard template (END ...)
Unused sr-only classes have been stripped from the standard template
Fixed callback request counter
Substituted error output in forms (color of error text)
Removed hashes of uploaded images
YandexMap code has been moved to feedback.tpl
The selection of values in the "Sales statistics" section has been changed. Now data from subcategories is also displayed there.
Fixed the work of selecting options in a product for uploading to YandexMarket
Fixed micro-markup of bread crumbs.
Removed the display of the choice of languages if only one language is activated.

To upgrade from a previous version, it is enough to change the following files:

api / Config.php
api / Image.php
api / Products.php
backend / ProductsAdmin.php
backend / ReportStatsAdmin.php
backend / design / css / main.css
backend / design / html / callbacks.tpl
backend / design / html / category_stats.tpl
backend / design / html / license.tpl
backend / design / html / product.tpl
design / default /
view / ProductsView.php

The update is also available on GitHub https://github.com/OkayCMS

What's planned for the next updates:
- Optimization of multilingualism
- Expansion of statistics functionality
- Tighter integration with analytics systems
- Development and implementation of an adaptive version of the administrative panel
- Redesign of the commenting and feedback system.

Thanks to everyone who helped us in creating the new version of OkayCMS 1.1.9: users of the MaximKAA forum, korshunov , the owner of the site http://luckytech.com.ua/ and everyone else who reported about the discovered comments and new wishes.

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