A new version of OkayCMS 1.2.1 and OkayCMS 1.2.1 Lite has been released


The new version of OkayCMS 1.2.1 and OkayCMS 1.2.1 Lite includes the following changes:

Major changes:

- Made separate pages for products with the old price (promotional) and bestsellers.
- Made it possible to sort brands
- Changed the path to the integration file with 1C. Now the cml folder is at the root of the site.
- Phone and address are now included in the export of users
- Added group_id field for banner groups, which is used in the template instead of id.
- Made translations of language names
- Optimized the work of multilingualism and the CNC filter
- Fixed a bug where when deleting a delivery method, the corresponding translations were not deleted
- Improved micro-markup with Json LD
- Fixed error with incorrect substitution rel = "canonical" on the page of all products.
- If you open a non-existent pagination page, it now gives a 404 error.
- Removed YandexMoney for legal entities. persons from the distribution by default and moved to free modules in the marketplace
- Fixed YandexMoney payment method
- Fixed YandexMetrica operation
- Removed sql queries when generating URLs for sv-tv and brands
- If, when adding a property to the admin. select a filter by category and click add - the category in the new property will be selected
- Made more correct layout of letters for display on large monitors
- Added title on the license page in admin. panels
- Now when you press the button to share in social. networks, you can choose the main photo
- Other minor edits

To upgrade from a previous version, it is enough to change the files in the following folders:

/ ajax
/ api
/ backend
/ design
/ payment
/ view

You also need to change the following files that are located in the root of the site:


and also add a new / cml folder to the root with all the files that are in it.

The update is also available on GitHub https://github.com/OkayCMS

What's planned for the next updates:
- Deep integration of analytics systems
- Development and implementation of an adaptive version of the administrative panel

Thanks to everyone who helped us in creating the new version of OkayCMS 1.2.1: users of the MaximKAA forum, Alexander B, Crypter, pedro, mgeese, korshunov and everyone else who reported about the discovered comments and new wishes.

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