A new version of OkayCMS 1.2.3 has been released


The new version of OkayCMS 1.2.3 includes the following changes:

Major changes:
- Fixed loading additional photos when importing from 1C
- Added the is_mobile function, which allows you to determine the device from which you entered the site
- Comments from the admin are now highlighted in a different color
- A check was made to see if the photo was loaded successfully after import
- Made saving of the import log to the database.
- Fixed a problem with mixing items in the cart when changing their quantity
- Optimized image deletion code
- Fixed minor micro-markup errors
- Added a warning about deleting property values in a category if it is removed from a certain category
- Added the ability to align to both edges in tinymce
- Made minor edits to the layout of the template

To upgrade from a previous version, it is enough to change the following files:

api / Config.php
api / Design.php
api / Image.php
api / Mobile_Detect.php
api / Products.php
api / Variants.php
backend / ImportLogAdmin.php
backend / IndexAdmin.php
backend / ajax / import.php
backend / ajax / multi_import.php
backend / design / css / style.css
backend / design / html / blog.tpl
backend / design / html / brands.tpl
backend / design / html / categories.tpl
backend / design / html / comments.tpl
backend / design / html / deliveries.tpl
backend / design / html / export.tpl
backend / design / html / feature.tpl
backend / design / html / import.tpl
backend / design / html / import_log.tpl
backend / design / html / multi_export.tpl
backend / design / html / multi_import.tpl
backend / design / html / payment_methods.tpl
backend / design / html / post.tpl
backend / design / html / product.tpl
backend / design / html / products.tpl
backend / design / html / special.tpl
backend / design / html / tinymce_init.tpl
cml / 1c_exchange.php
design / default / css / bootstrap.css
design / default / html / blog.tpl
design / default / html / index.tpl
design / default / html / post.tpl
design / default / html / product.tpl
design / default / html / tiny_products.tpl
view / IndexView.php

The update is also available on GitHub https://github.com/OkayCMS

What's planned for the next updates:
- Deep integration of analytics systems
- Development and implementation of an adaptive version of the administrative panel

Thanks to everyone who helped us in creating the new version of OkayCMS 1.2.2: forum users zyxer ,, Crypter, m1hasik, Vitaly, korshunov, koteyka-2, SEO company Netrocket , which made a technical audit of the site    and everyone else who reported discovered comments and new wishes.

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