The new version OkayCMS 3.0.3


Before telling what is included in the new version, I would like to share a little development plans for the near future.

At the moment, the system implements the basis for modularity, but there are no different types of modules, there is no opportunity to create certain "types" of modules and it is not clear how to work with this. Therefore, the main goals for the next few sprints are the expansion of the modularity functionality , which will entail both the expansion of the number of modules in the standard version, and the expansion of opportunities for developers, writing documentation on the system so that developers understand how to use these correctly and speed up the work of the client part of the system.

Now we have divided modularity into several parts:
Modularity of uploads (the ability to create uploads for different formats like YandexMetrica, GoogleMerchant, Facebook, etc.) - implemented.
Modularity of payment systems (the ability to easily connect payment through various payment systems such as Likpey, Yandex Checkout, etc.) has been implemented .
Modularity of entities (the ability to create new entities like Question / Answer, photo gallery, etc.) - implemented .
Delivery modularity (the possibility of easy integration with delivery services like Nova Poshta, SDEK, etc.) is in the plans.
Modularity of shortcodes (the ability to call modules like Quick order, Pop-up cart using a shortcode from a client template) - in the plans
Modularity of blocks in the admin panel (it is possible to call module blocks in different places in the admin panel without using shortcodes. For example, promo images, attaching a file to a product, etc.) - in the plans.
Modularity of discounts (the ability to influence with the help of modules the price of goods and the total price in the basket) - in the plans.

As you can see, we have already implemented a part - another part is in the works. The system documentation will be created in parallel. Every day the system will get better and better, and most importantly, updates will become easier and more limited to the usual filling of changed files.

Now, what's included in OkayCMS 3.0.3

- Made the module "Question / Answer" (FAQ) and the ability to create modules of this type. Example
- Expanded the ability to dynamically add entities to backend / ajax / update_object.php
- Changed work with migrations in modules
- Changed SEO logic on pagination pages in categories. Now, on all pagination pages, as well as on the / page-all page, the link rel = canonical href = "contains a link to the first page of the category (without the prefix / page-1). Also, on all category pagination pages, the head contains <meta name = robots content = "index, follow">.
- We made a display of only the first five categories in the footer, and hid the rest under the "Show all" button, so that with a large number of categories, the footer looks beautiful.
- Removed scrolling in the category block in older browsers
- Removed the "jump" of a large number of categories in the menu
- Removed login and login pages for logged in users
- To the admin. panels removed bulk actions in order statuses, made a ban on deleting the first order status
- To the admin. panels on the pages of the list of orders, categorization of sales and sales statistics made the calendar open not only when you click on the field, but also on the calendar itself.
- Make sure that when deleting a brand, products that were previously tied to this brand in the admin. panels were included in the "No brand" filter in the product list
- Fixed the work of recaptcha
- Fixed an issue related to the fact that when renaming a property value in a product, it changed for other products as well
- We did the correct work of the client side if in the admin. panel, the currency that was enabled for the user at that moment is removed.
- Fixed issue with checkout when changing the language of letters
- Fixed a bug when uploading photos via TinyMCE
- Fixed a bug when deleting a property in the admin. panels
- Fixed the problem of displaying the names of categories and brands in the export file
- Fixed a bug with displaying properties out of order in the product card
- Fastened the display of errors in the form and display of prices at low resolutions (on mobile)

You can download the new version by following the link archive with changes in comparison with 3.0.2 by the link

Comments 1
26.09.2019, 13:55
В Demo версии в карточке товара, который по предзаказу, написано: "Нет на складе". Добавляешь в корзину и в ней уже товар по предзаказу "в наличии".
26.09.2019, 15:21
Юрий, не получилось воспроизвести баг, можете описать подробнее
26.09.2019, 14:28
Юрий, поправим в ближайшее время в новой версии
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