Social media authorization
Module for authorization on the site through social networks.
After registering a user on the site through social networks, the data in the user's profile is automatically filled in. The data is parsed from the social network through which the visitor registered.
The link between the account and the visitor's profile on your site, as well as all his information, including about orders, is saved upon subsequent authorization.
The module assumes authorization through many social networks: both Russian-speaking and foreign.
The add-on will be very useful for online stores in order to simplify the system of registration and authorization of users on the site. After installing the module, with one click of a button, you can immediately log in to your store.
- Cash upon receipt
- Bank transfer
The module displays the last purchased products in a separate block on the main page or on the side.
Implementation of displaying certain products only for certain groups of users.
Используется API сервиса ulogin.