Module Description

CloudKassir online checkout for OKAYCMS

The module will allow integrating the CloudKassir online checkout into an online store based on the OKAYCMS platform.

For the module to work correctly, registration in the service is required.

The registration procedure is described in the CloudKassir documentation:

Compatibility: OKAYCMS v.2.2.2.


  • Support for online cash registers (FZ-54);
  • Filter of payment modules for which you need to send electronic checks;
  • Automatic sending of receipts by email;
  • Automatic sending of receipts by SMS;
  • Choice of taxation system;
  • Select VAT for goods and VAT for shipping separately.

Technical setting

In your CloudPayments personal account in the site settings, you must enable the following notification:

Receipt notification: http (s): // Action = receipt,

where is the domain name of your site. In all cases, you must select the default option: encoding - UTF-8, HTTP method - POST.

Installing the module

To install the module, you need to place the contents of the api, backend and payment directories from the archive into the corresponding directories on the server, and the Cloudkassir.php file to the site root.

OKAYCMS admin panel

In the site settings (Site settings -> Site settings), you need to specify the following settings in the CloudKassir module settings:

Site ID - Public id of the site from your CloudPayments personal account;

Secret key - API Secret from your CloudPayments personal account;

TIN - TIN of the organization for which the online cash register is registered;

Tax system - The type of tax system. Possible values are listed in the CloudKassir documentation: https: // developers.   

VAT rate - Specifies the VAT rate. All possible values are listed in the CloudKassir documentation: https: // developers.

VAT Rate for Shipping - Specifies the VAT rate for shipping. Similar to the VAT rate.

Also activate Cloudkassir and payment modules that require sending electronic checks.

After specifying all the data and activating the required modules, save the settings.

Returning a parcel

Receipt return checks are sent manually. It is necessary in the list of orders (Orders -> List of orders) to select the order for which the return is made and click on the button "Sending a receipt for return".


The button "Sending a receipt for return" is active when the order status is "Paid".

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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
Free $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


CloudPayments payment service module for OkayCMS

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