Breadcrumbs on filter pages

4 ( 2.5 )
Module Description

By default, only the main and current category are displayed in the filter breadcrumbs.

breadcrumbs in the default filter

With the module, the selected property values are added to the breadcrumbs until 2 values of the same property are selected. For example, 2 lines of smartphones from the same manufacturer. In this case, the filtered products will remain on the page, and the breadcrumbs will again contain only Home / Category.

2 selected properties in filter

This small addition will help your site visitors quickly understand what they have already selected without scrolling through the entire filter, and will also have a beneficial effect on SEO.

28.06.2020, 22:13
Планируете ли сделать модуль для версии Okay 3x?
Готов заказать сразу
29.06.2020, 14:16
Александр, добрый день. Да, можете заказывать этот модуль, в течении двух дней он будет обновлен для OkayCMS 3.*
18.07.2019, 08:59
Игорь, да подойдет. Поправить модуль как вы хотите можно, напишите нам на почту [email protected]
18.07.2019, 02:10
Для OkayCMS 2.2.2 модуль подойдет? И еще такой вопрос у меня на сайте на страницы фильтра по одному параметру я могу добавлять мета-теги, h1 и контент. Вопрос можно ли в хлебные крошки подтягивать содержимое h1 (через правку модуля)
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
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10 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer



Add-on for selective export of goods from OkayCMS to the marketplace [email protected]

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"Item in Cart" button

The add-on allows you to shop more comfortably.

After clicking on the "Buy" button in the product card or in the product catalog, the button label changes to "Product in the cart". By clicking again, the customer is taken to the cart. The status of the buttons is preserved even after the page is reloaded.

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20 $
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The add-on displays the number of products in brackets next to the name of the subcategory

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version 4.5.2