Discount on order amount

57 ( 3.5 )
Module Description

The "Discount from the order amount" module for OkayCMS allows you to create an unlimited number of discounts from the total order amount.

The "Discounts" tab has been added to the site admin panel in the "Users" section, where the online store manager can create a discount. When creating a discount, you must specify:

- in what range of the order amount the discount will work,

- the value of the discount itself, which can be specified either as a percentage or in currency.

In the client part, the cart displays the amount of the discount from the order, where your client sees how much he saves.

01.03.2020, 09:54
Модуль работает только в корзине? или покупатель сможет увидеть возможную скидку в карточке товара?
01.03.2020, 23:05
Роман, данный модуль отображает скидку только в корзине.
14.06.2018, 00:47
как я понял в разделе Покупатели...?
но нет..там такого
14.06.2018, 09:00
pikasso, Напишите нам через тех. поддержку, мы посмотрим.
13.06.2018, 16:23
Здравствуйте. Приобрели у вас этот модуль. Но что то я не могу понять...где они эти настройки должны появиться на лайт версии OkayCMS © 2018 v.2.1.3
в админке не могу их найти.
13.06.2018, 17:17
pikasso, Должен появиться отдельный пункт "Скидки"
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
0 $
35 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer



The module makes it possible to export orders by the selected date and status in the .csv format.

0 $
20 $
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The module allows you to hide prices on the site and open them only if you have an access code. The client can choose a convenient way: receive the code by letter, call or order a callback

0 $
45 $
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This add-on will be useful for wholesale stores. With it, you can set the minimum order amount in the settings. If the order amount in the basket is less than specified in the settings, then a notification about the minimum order amount will be shown for the client and the checkout button will be hidden.

0 $
15 $
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0 $
50 $
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