Property value order

2 ( 2.5 )
Module Description

The add-on allows you to manually set property values for the filter in the order you need. You may think that it will be easier for site visitors to navigate the properties if they are sorted alphabetically or in ascending order. Maybe you want to make it easier to find popular properties, or you need to draw attention to the least chosen ones. Or you just have your own logic for the arrangement of properties in the filter, and you can easily implement it.

After installing the module in the admin panel, go to "Catalog" → "Properties", select the desired property and on its editing page scroll down to the "Sorting property values" block. In it, just drag the values with the mouse and arrange them in the desired order. After saving, the changes will be displayed on the site.


04.09.2018, 18:26
Подскажите пожалуйста. С дополнением Мультисвойства будет работать?
05.09.2018, 11:06
Сергей, да, будет работать.
27.07.2018, 03:23
Просто здорово, странно только одно, что он бесплатный :)
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
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25 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer



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