Installing reCAPTCHA (captcha) for spam protection

7 ( 3.3 )
Module Description

reCaptca is a system designed to protect websites from internet bots. This is a new captcha format “I am not a robot”, you do not need to enter characters and select pictures in it, you just need to tick the box and wait for the verification.


  • takes less time, you only need to make one click;
  • provides reliable protection;
  • Minimally loads the resource, which is important to ensure high speed of the site.

Installation requirements:

To activate, you must have a Google account.

In the admin panel of your site, you will be able to set the public and secret key in the Site Settings. Captcha display switches work in the same way as with standard captcha.


Do not hesitate, site visitors will appreciate the new format of protection against bots, because it will become easier for them to pass this check by making just one click. Enjoy the benefits of reCAPTCHA and add it to all your sites.

Relevant only for versions of OkayCMS up to 2.2.0

In version 2.2.0, recaptcha was built in by default.

26.08.2017, 00:58
Почему нельзя создать мануал по установке reCAPTCHA или просто внедрить ее, чтобы пользователь мог просто указать ключи?
04.02.2021, 13:09
Роман, это есть в системе сейчас по умолчанию
23.08.2017, 18:08
reCaptca устанавливается методом внедрения в админ панель дополнительной настройкой где надо вводить: Ключ и Секретный ключ


reCaptca устанавливается интеграцией на стороне клиента, путем script и с добавлением виджета
23.08.2017, 18:18
Добрый день, Роман

Ключи указываются сразу в коде. В админ-панели они не указываются.
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* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


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