20 mistakes that most often allow to create a site

Table of contents
  1. What to consider before developing a website
  2. The main mistakes when developing a website
  3. Cross-browser compatibility: don't lose your visitors
  4. Responsive layout: a modern requirement
  5. Working on increasing speed deserves serious consideration.
  6. Ease of Navigation: Taking Care of Visitors
  7. Non-unique content dooming the site to failure
  8. Major technical errors
  9. Design errors
  • What to consider before developing a website.
  • The main mistakes in the development of the site.
  • Major technical errors.
  • Design errors.

Having your own website is one of the fundamental requirements for an effective, successful business. Statistics unambiguously testify in favor of an increase in the number of purchases of various goods and orders for services via the Internet. With this in mind, most commercial companies are already realizing the need to have their own website. However, the mere fact of the availability of an Internet resource is still not enough to count on its efficiency, profitability and expected business benefits.

One of the fundamental criteria of modern online commerce is a lot of competition, which only increases over time. Today, almost every niche on the Web is represented by a huge number of Internet sites, so you need to make efforts to make your resource as effective as possible. What separates a good website from an average or bad one? The key criteria for an effective website are as follows:

  • The resource is attractive from the point of view of search engines.
  • Each user has the ability to easily find the information he needs.
  • Clients are encouraged to take the targeted action.

It may seem that the above factors are quite obvious and natural, and all the owners and most of the developers of Internet sites strive for them. Nevertheless, the facts show that a huge number of people make the same mistakes when creating a website, which negatively affect the effectiveness of the resource. Within the framework of this article, we will pay attention to the typical mistakes that are made during the development and creation of many sites, and also talk about how to avoid them.

What to consider before developing a website

The foundation of a good website and successful promotion is laid long before the developer gets down to business. It is at the stage of building a strategy that you should be extremely careful; this will affect all further work of not only the site, but also the company as a whole. From the very beginning, people often make certain mistakes, which are very expensive later. Let's pay attention to some of the most common ones.

Mistake 1: an untimely strategy. Sometimes you can come across an approach: everyone already has a website, so we need it too. But what to do with it we will figure it out later. With such an attitude to work, mistakes and unnecessary expenses simply cannot be avoided. Even before a specialist starts developing, it is necessary to clearly outline the goals that need to be achieved and determine the most optimal ways to implement them.

Mistake 2: ignoring the target audience. Some company owners and individual entrepreneurs overlook the need for a clear definition of the target audience for their website. As a result, the resulting functionality of the site, its design and content do not resonate with potential customers, so the resource cannot achieve the tasks assigned to it.

Mistake 3: Not doing a competitor analysis. Sometimes you can come across an erroneous opinion that it is absolutely not necessary to analyze competitors for a high-quality website - it is enough just to do everything according to the highest class. How should this approach be treated? No wonder popular wisdom says that a wise person will learn from the mistakes of others. Each niche of sites on the Internet has its own specific nuances, as well as solutions that work well for this particular target audience. Therefore, paying attention to the analysis of competitors from the TOP, you can really learn a lot. When doing this kind of analysis, pay attention to successful decisions and spot for yourself points that would be worth improving.

Mistake 4: economy is at the forefront. When preparing to create a website, you should look not only at today's costs, but be forward-thinking and try to see where these or those decisions will lead. If you save on creation, usability, or design; this will subsequently have a very negative impact on the operation of the site and on how attractive it will be to users - therefore, by saving on development, you limit yourself to new customers and the profit they will bring.

Mistake 5: starting development when keywords have not been collected yet. There is a big misconception that keywords are needed solely for preparing content. In fact, thanks to the fullest possible semantic core, it will be easier to determine the optimal site structure. So, it is the key queries that will become a reliable guideline when deciding what site structure to create, what categories, subcategories and sections should be thought out and implemented.

The main mistakes when developing a website

At the stage of website development, specialists often make serious mistakes, which subsequently significantly affect the site's performance and efficiency. Naturally, customers have the right to expect competence and high qualifications from a programmer, which will become the key to high-quality work with an impeccable result. However, it is necessary to independently check the work and make sure that your site will be up to date and up-to-date. The main mistakes made at the development stage include the following:

  • Mistake 6: Lack of cross-browser compatibility.
  • Mistake 7: lack of responsive site layout.
  • Mistake 8: low speed.
  • Mistake 9: awkward navigation.
  • Mistake 10: non-unique content.

Cross-browser compatibility: don't lose your visitors

Some people at the stage of website development make a serious mistake, which in the future will inevitably negatively affect the work of the resource: they do not pay attention to the issue of cross-browser compatibility. What is cross-browser compatibility and why is it needed? Cross-browser compatibility means the ability of a site to display correctly in different browsers. This is a critically important point, since the owner of the resource cannot know from which browsers users will enter the site - it is important to make the resource adapted for different browsers. How can this be achieved? It is important to consider two points:

  1. In the TOR for a programmer, be sure to indicate the requirement for the site to be cross-browser.
  2. When accepting a job, test whether the pages open and display correctly in different browsers.

Responsive layout: a modern requirement

One of the main features of recent years in the Internet environment is the increase in the number of users who visit the site not from a computer / laptop, but from mobile devices. At the same time, the number of computer users is still quite large. Taking this into account, when developing a site, it is necessary to avoid the mistake that the resource will be adapted for certain devices (computers or mobile devices); it is necessary that programmers use a responsive layout of the site. As with cross-browser compatibility, there are two important steps to take here:

  1. When developing a site, make a requirement that its layout be responsive.
  2. When accepting a job, go and test the site from various devices - make sure that the font is clearly visible and all functions are displayed correctly

Working on increasing speed deserves serious consideration.

The ease of use of the site is largely determined by the speed of its work. It is a grave mistake to ignore this factor. Low speed of work negatively affects behavioral factors, moreover, modern search engines have tools with which they can analyze the speed of loading a site and those that have poor performance can simply be ignored in the search results.

What is a good site speed score? There is no single answer or parameter in this question. To achieve good results, it is recommended that you do the following:

  1. When analyzing competitors, measure the speed of the sites, this will become a benchmark to strive for.
  2. Improving speed performance is an ongoing process that should always be pursued. Absolutely every site can be improved to improve the speed of work: this should not be neglected.

Ease of Navigation: Taking Care of Visitors

Another blunder of websites is inconvenient navigation. If it is difficult for a visitor to go to the section he needs or use a certain function on the site, with a high degree of probability, he will simply leave the resource and go to competitors. For a site to have good navigation, look at it through the eyes of the user and try to identify what can be improved. Particular attention in this matter should be paid to:

  • Bread crumbs.
  • Menu items to navigate to sections, categories and subcategories.
  • Site search functions.

Non-unique content dooming the site to failure

Content is one of the key factors on which the success of each site depends. Content means all materials that will be posted on the resource: text, photos and videos. Of course, your content should meet the expectations of users, be interesting for them and provide really useful information. But if you just copy content to a page from another source on the Internet and open this page for indexing, in the best case, the site will lose its positions in the search results, and in the worst case, it may fall under the search engine filter.

Major technical errors

The work of the site is strongly influenced by how well it is executed from the point of view of the technical part. Let's pay attention to the common technical errors of the site and how to avoid them:

  • Mistake 11: technical duplicates on the site, in which pages may be duplicated in whole or in part. Such duplicates have a very negative effect on the ranking of the site, they must be detected and corrected. There are many ways to find technical duplicate pages; for this purpose, you can use: Google Search Console, Yandex.Webmaster, or perform parsing using specialized services such as Screaming Frog.
  • Error 12: missing or incorrect CNC setting. Analysis of various sites suggests that CNC has a strong influence on ranking and behavioral factors. With this in mind, be sure to make sure that a human-readable URL is generated on each page and is being done correctly. Most CMS provide functions with which you can write the rules for the formation of CNC.
  • Error 13: indexing junk pages. Each site has pages that are generated automatically for quick and correct site operation. These pages include the shopping cart, etc. Be sure to check that such technical pages are closed from indexing, as this would negatively affect the ranking of the site.
  • Error 14: lack of gluing mirrors of www, http, https. When creating a site, it has the mentioned mirrors, if you do not glue them together and do not specify the main one, the search engine will do this automatically. His choice may not be the most correct one.

  • Error 15: Incorrectly configured page with a 404 error. A 404 error means that a person within the site has entered the address of a non-existent page - this may be due to user error or due to the fact that a certain page has ceased to exist. How the 404 error page is configured affects whether a person stays on or leaves the site. There are two quite effective options: make a redirect to the main page of the site, or place the main menu on the 404 error page, through which the user can go to the section of interest.

It is worth recognizing that the scope of the technical part of the site is extremely large and deep - within the framework of one article it is simply impossible to fully cover the entire range of possible errors and ways to solve them. To avoid difficulties and be as confident as possible in the quality of your own site, you should carefully consider the choice of the used CMS. Many people and companies are already successfully using OkayCMS, which is developed taking into account the latest requirements in the field of website development and allows you to initially prevent many technical errors. In addition, OkayCMS has the necessary tools that allow you to properly customize the site in accordance with the requirements of the owners.

Design errors

No wonder they say that they are greeted by their clothes: this statement can be fully attributed to websites. The appearance of the resource can have a decisive influence on what impression the site will cause among visitors, whether it prompts them to take a targeted action or, on the contrary, alert them, so that a person will be prompted to quickly leave the site. Let's take a look at some of the main website design mistakes and take a look at tips to help you avoid them.

  • Error 16: bad color selection. If the color scheme is annoying, hurts the eye or does not correspond to the focus of the site, such a resource will not inspire confidence among users. In order to choose the right colors, it is worth taking into account: what products are offered on the site and what kind of target audience. For example, a resource for the sale of flowers should be bright and joyful, but an online store specializing in the sale of auto parts, on the contrary, is better done in restrained colors.

  • Error 17: poorly readable text. If the text on the site is inconvenient for reading, this not only prevents visitors from perceiving the information, but also causes them to mistrust the site. Make sure that everything - both the texts and the menu items of the site are easy and convenient to read.
  • Mistake 18: using different styles and fonts. If the site uses different styles and fonts in the content - this only distracts the attention of visitors. Of course, the appearance of the inscriptions in menu items and articles on the site may differ, but they must be harmoniously combined with each other.
  • Mistake 19: poorly formed texts. Some decided for themselves that the text of articles on the site is needed only for search engines, so it is not necessary to format it. In reality, however, the quality of text formatting strongly influences behavioral factors. In addition, more and more, when ranking, search engines are able to assess the quality of text design, which increasingly affects the search results.
  • Error 20: the presence of a large number of elements on the site page. What can motivate people to post many elements on the site? It may be a desire to convey maximum information to visitors. However, it is worth remembering: the more elements there are on the page, the more difficult it is for visitors to focus and concentrate on the main thing. Instead of an abundance of banners, flashing elements, changing pictures, etc., it is better to place few well-thought elements on the page - they will work much more efficiently.

We've covered 20 mistakes many people make when building a website. If you take them into account and try to avoid them, your site will be as effective as possible.

Comments 1
25.01.2020, 10:57
Типичные ошибки видны невооруженным глазом и катастрофически влияют на качество сайта. Они создают последовательную цепочку, которая приводит сайт к провалу. Ошибка создает какой-либо дискомфорт для пользователя, пользователь уходит с сайта, компания теряет потенциальных клиентов. Результат очевиден и он плачевен. Создание сайта всегда должно начинаться с анализа и разработки структуры. Хорошая статья. Автор молодец.
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