Integration Okay CMS + retailCRM


Our partners have developed the Okay CMS + retailCRM integration for you.

Thanks to the integration of systems, you can simplify and automate the work of your online store as much as possible. This system has deep integration with Internet sites, makes it possible to unload goods, orders, as well as update data online. In this system, you can easily manage orders, maintain a customer base, distribute them by managers, statuses and dates.

  • Processing orders
    All processes are simplified and automated. A minimum of actions and clicks are required from employees.
  • Communication with clients
    All communications with clients in one system: IP-telephony, Email and SMS, Messengers.
  • Analytics
    Analytics of key indicators for orders and customers, tabular reports on sales of goods and trade offers.

The main functions of the module

  1. Transfer of the product catalog
    Automatic unloading of categories, products with images, properties and descriptions in CRM.
  2. Unloading orders
    Unloading orders in retailCRM in real time with the transfer of all order data.
  3. Adding clients
    Adding a client to retailCRM with his contact details. Customer order history.
  4. Transfer of payment data
    Information about payment for an order on the site is transmitted to retailCRM: status, date, payment method.
  5. Delivery data transmission
    If there is a New Mail module on the site, all delivery data is transferred to retailCRM
  6. Export orders
    Partial or full export of orders to retailCRM with the ability to filter by date and status.
    Demonstration of the module.

You can order the integration on the website

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