How to increase sales through branding?

Table of contents
  1. How to build a strong brand
  2. Quality and price
  3. Variety in attracting clients
  4. Work with clients
  5. Original style
  6. How to attract customers by changing brand perception?

Marketers love to talk about the importance of a brand, bring up examples of famous logos of successful companies and persuade them to create a corporate identity for the company right now. We will do this too. But before we talk about the need to create a brand, let's just remember how it works in real situations. Why do we overpay so often and seemingly naively? First of all, for your confidence in what you buy without unnecessary advice and feedback. Any product can be of high quality. But a logo with a wealthy history and many fans inspires trust in a product or service. Such a product tells the consumer that if he reaches for the counter for it, he will not waste money, but will take something really worthwhile. What makes a good, but not branded product on the same counter at that time? He is silent.

In this article, we will discuss how to make “dumb” products and services able to attract the target audience and increase the company's sales.

How to build a strong brand

Now that we remembered that we were dealing with brand influence, let's figure out what this thing is and how to achieve the same result from your logo. Since the visual of a brand starts with a logo, you should definitely get one. With online services, this is no longer a daunting, time consuming endeavor. Logaster , for example, offers to create a logo and the entire corporate identity in just a few clicks. Try to get closer to your own brand in minutes.

First of all, you need to clearly distinguish between the concepts of logo and brand. Returning to the situation with the counter and the product that attracts on it, we can conclude that we do not trust a single image, that is, the logo, but the whole brand, that is, the experience and achievement of the company that we know about. And the logo in this case allows us to identify the company behind the product. This means that the logo is an important part of branding. But there are other elements to watch out for.

Quality and price

The quality of your product or service must be confirmed by a pricing policy. Sometimes, without timely consultation, a consumer may consider a more expensive product to be of better quality. This is something that cannot be eradicated from us. Thus, you can also lose customers by this trick. For example, the Lexus brand was created by Toyota Motors Corporation specifically to differentiate the line of flagships with the slogan "Irresistible Impulse to Success". Luxury cars are now in 10 Japanese brands by market value. If your pricing policy does not imply an increase in the cost of a competitive product or service, focus on the budget of this purchase. And also, through advertising and simple instructions, let your customers understand that the functionality and quality of your product is not inferior to those presented by more popular manufacturers. A mismatch in quality with a high price can be detrimental to your customers' attitude towards the company. Here it is better to count on a group of buyers who are ready to risk the quality of a product or service at a low cost.


Variety in attracting clients

How well do you know your target audience? This analysis is essential in order to develop sound customer acquisition strategies. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your audience not only when providing it with goods and services, when developing a corporate identity and choosing paint for walls in a store or office. It is important to constantly remember the preferences of your potential customers and work with them using only suitable methods and approaches. That is, when opening a children's room, you need to take into account what kind of presentation of your service a solvent parent will perceive, as well as what offer will interest the child pulling his hand into your playroom. If this sounds like a daunting task, then let's think about Walt Disney. He did not stop at his main industry - animation, but ventured to buy 60 hectares of land in New Orleans, where he built Disneyland with the slogan "The happiest place on earth." This new approach to customer acquisition has sparked excitement and boosted sales for the company. Analyze the characteristics of your customers and experiment with approaches to attracting new customers.

Work with clients

An offended customer is not a single loss, but a virus that spreads negative reviews about the company wherever it is available. Thus, the company can lose not only current, but also potential customers. It is important to avoid negligence in dealing with clients. It does not matter if you are in dialogue with the audience face-to-face or in correspondence, show your interest in solving the problems that have arisen. The client must know that it is safe to do business with you. Moreover, interest in the opinions and assessments of customers can open up a more promising path for the development of the company for you. So the world famous LEGO company and its slogan "children serve as an example for us", back in the mid-60s, became the first of those who listened to the wishes of their customers before embarking on the development of a new product. This helped the company to complete one of the most successful projects - to create a railroad from a designer, which brought huge profits to the owners. Do not postpone emails until later, learn to respond to customers quickly. This creates a favorable image for your company. The way you communicate with your customers, your mood and your style of conversation can have a direct impact on sales. Often, after talking with an experienced consultant, the client makes a purchase that he had not previously planned. Moreover, understanding the basic principles of psychology will help you win over the buyer and instill confidence in him. But this requires a dialogue. Don't be afraid to talk to your clients.

Original style

Create your corporate identity and stick to it. This will make it easier for your customers to form a coherent impression of your company. The original style includes not only corporate colors or the use of a corporate logo. It's also about the way content is built: themes and styles that will dominate your blogs or social media. It is advisable to exhibit photos of goods or any other visual components of your web resource that are combined with each other, creating an original image of the company. To do this, you can hire a photographer, or use a smartphone camera. In any case, every element of your style should harmoniously emphasize the originality of your company. Take care of this.


Transparency and honesty

Don't try to cheat the client. This is something that can destroy your trusting relationship with him for a long time, or even forever. Be extremely honest about the advantages and disadvantages of your suggestions. Do not use complex manipulative content in email newsletters, commercials, articles, etc. Consumers do not like to be made fools of them and quickly sense insincerity. Best of all, try to create special friendships. To do this, be open.

  • Tell your clients the story of your company in the appropriate section of the "About Me" web resource.
  • Share your company principles by posting photos or information about events or organizations you support.
  • Feedback from real customers is needed, both positive and negative. Nobody believes in 100% user liking for a product.
  • Please provide truthful product descriptions. It is important for people to know what they are actually giving their money for.
  • Ensure consumers protect their data. It is important that information about customers from your resource does not end up in others.


Encourage customer engagement

Create discussion areas on your social media pages where customers can share their post-purchase experiences and feelings. Organize promotions to motivate your audience to post photos with your brand or leave comments. Customers trust the live reviews of other customers the most. So try to make your pages open for discussion. Engage visitors in voting and other activities. This will help the formation of communication for a group of like-minded people who like your products and services. It will also create a feeling of a big friendly family among users. Thus, it will reduce the risk of customers leaving for competitors.


All of these aspects of the business are integral parts of the brand that will unleash the language of your product and teach it to motivate consumers to become your customers.


How to attract customers by changing brand perception?

Let's take another look at the situation with a branded product on a store counter. If the choice for the consumer is obvious, then everything is fine and the company has nothing to worry about. But what if there are other equally well-known brands next to your product? And most likely it will happen. After all, the competition in the modern market is just frenzied. There is hardly a single niche in which a young startup does not have to fight for a place in the sun. But even if you manage to find an untapped path in marketing, rest assured that you will not be alone there for long. The market creates a lot of choice for the audience and, accordingly, more competition for companies. Therefore, creating a brand is not enough, take care of its competitiveness as well.


First impression

Startups that involve renting or owning real estate: catering establishments, private schools, car washes, etc., it may seem that the first impression on customers is made only by the interior and service. But you need to look further, and think about what other entrance doors stand between you and the target audience. Landing pages, business cards, advertising - consider all possible options for meeting a potential client. And in order to enter these doors, it is worth considering the tastes of your target audience.



We trust little people who are inconsistent in their speech and often change their life vector. In marketing, this diversity can reflect badly on the status of your company. In order to maintain the image in an understandable and familiar way for consumers, you need to create a clear brand promotion strategy and follow it. It is also important to monitor how and what the search results in Google say about you. If some information does not comply with the statutes of your company, delete it, contact the authors or go directly to Google.



Customer loyalty accelerates the growth of new customers and increases repeat sales. Be on friendly terms with consumers and show them your willingness to help. To do this, it is best to use an email newsletter, in which you can inform your customers about great offers and promotions. The number of such emails should directly depend on the number of your events and unique content. If you have nothing to say, do not fill up the mail for customers, just to remind you of yourself.


Using these tips, your brand will soon speak to your target audience more confidently and louder than your competitors. But first, take the first step towards building a strong and effective branding for your company by creating your logo and your entire corporate identity right now. Do not forget, with online services, this is not a problem for a long time, but only a matter of a few minutes.

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