Working with product categories in OkayCMS 3 *


How do I create a product category? How do I manage existing categories? What does the "monitor" icon mean?
In this article, we answer the questions related to the "Categories" tab of the "Catalog" section of the administrative panel of the site.

Categories Tab

The tab contains a list of all categories existing on the site, and in the same order in which they are presented in the client part.

Let's go through the tab icons in more detail
The system allows you to move categories in the list. To do this, click on the icon, hold down the left mouse button without releasing, drag the category to the desired location. Changes after the transfers will be reflected in the client side of the site as well.

The "monitor" icon allows you to view the display of the category on the site.

The "activity" icon disables (if highlighted in red) and enables (if it is green) activity, i.e. displaying a category in the client side.

The cross icon allows you to remove a category from the site.

At the bottom of the list of categories there is the following functionality - a drop-down list of operations (select) and the "Apply" button.

This selection allows performing a number of operations on several categories at once. Using the checkboxes (see the figure below), you need to select the necessary categories in the list, and then from the select - the operation, for example, "Delete" and click the "Apply" button. The Select All button selects all categories from the list.


Creating a new category

To create a new category, click the "Add Category" button.

At the top of the category card there are buttons for switching between the languages available on the site. Languages are created in the "Settings" section, we will talk about this in a separate article.

Immediately below the languages, there is a field for entering the category name.

Try to enter any name. Note that when you enter a name, the address of the category is automatically generated, meta tags - title and keywords.

If you click the save button at the bottom of the page, and then switch to another language, you will see that the title and link, as well as meta tags, have been duplicated in other languages.

If you change the name, for example, in English to "Clothes for home", the address (URL) of the category will remain the same. This is done so that during editing it was impossible to accidentally change the URL of the page, because the link to this page can already be indexed by the search engine and be bookmarked by users.

After translating the category name in another language, be sure to save your changes.

With the help of the select, which is located under the name of the category, the level of the category is set - either this is the root category, or a subcategory of another category.

The "Activity" icon allows you to enable / disable the visibility of the category on the site.

If, according to the design of your site, the categories display pictures, then you have the opportunity to upload photos for the categories using the functionality from the "Category Image" block.

Using the "Full Description" block, you can display the description of this category on the category page.

A brief description of the category is displayed if your site design requires it.

In the following articles, we will tell you about the work of the "Product card meta data" and "Product description template" blocks.

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