Export of goods to Yandex.Market


Yandex.Market is one of the most popular platforms in Russia for finding the right product and a store to buy it. With this service, a customer can compare offers from different stores for the same product and choose the best one. If the products of your store are presented on Yandex.Market , this increases your chances of attracting customers. In this case, functionality for uploading goods to Yandex.Market is necessary.

How to generate a product upload file for YandexMarket? Starting from the version of OkayCMS 3.0.0, the modularity of the system has been implemented, you can read more here .

The Modules tab appeared in the admin panel of the site - select YandexXML

To place a group of goods in the unloading file, you need to fall into the module and go to its settings.

Here we see the upload settings, they are disabled by default, for incl. you need to move the slider.

Next, let's scroll down Editing and creating uploads - select the products / groups / brands that should be included in the upload file.

Made it possible to create multiple XML

Sometimes customers need several XML with different products, but in the same format. For example, the same unloading is used for uploading to Turbo Pages and YandexMarket. Our solution to this problem was the ability to create an unlimited number of uploads of one format.

The client points there a link in Latin letters, for example "mebel" and the link http://new.demookay.com/rozetka/mebel.xml is available for this upload. When saving, the module now shows a list of existing uploads with links to them, and below the button " Create unload "

After the update, the link for uploads will change, take this into account and do not forget to specify a new correct link where you use these uploads.

Select the required categories in the Categories drop-down list, and do the same with Brands.

You can also add a separate item in the settings (Items for unloading) or exclude it (Items not for unloading).

After you have selected all the upload settings you need, click Apply.
The available link can be used to check the file.
Comments 1
20.05.2021, 18:55
Не совсем понятно, как например выгрузить настройку гарантия производителя только к одним товарам, но при этом чтобы и другие товары без гарантии производителя были в этом же прайсе?
А так же нет выгрузки остатков count https://yandex.ru/support/partnermarket-dsbs/orders/stocks.html?lang=ru&utm_source=broadcast&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bbm3070#packaging__step2
21.05.2021, 18:50
Александр, такого функционала нет, это нужно дорабатывать отдельно
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