Site in several languages. Multilingual OkayCMS 3 *


Many online retailers are engaged in international sales. For such projects, it is mandatory to display the site in several languages. OkayCMS already has a multilingual site. You only need to add the languages you want. This article will show you how to do this.

Using the example of the OkayCMS demo site, we will analyze step by step the process of connecting languages to the site.

Несколько языков на сайте на OkayCMS

Step # 1.

Go to the admin panel of your site (by following the link www.domain-name / admin ) . In the Settings section, go to the Languages tab.

In this tab you have the opportunity to create the languages you need. If the language is displayed on the site - the "on" icon is highlighted in green (see screenshot).

Step # 2

Click the Add Language button. In the window that opens, select the required language from the drop-down list and click the "Save" button. Many languages have been added to this list: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, Chinese, German, French and others.

After adding a new language, it will be displayed in the panel.

On the site, a new language will also be added.

To fill in pages in a new language, you need to select this language in the admin panel and fill in the desired page on it. For example, on the page for adding a product, we switch the language and fill it in.

Comments 1
07.06.2017, 13:51
Эх!... Ещё бы штатно для каждого языка отображалась своя валюта...
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