Выбирай что хочешь! Black Friday
This year, there will be an interactive, you can choose for yourself what you want to receive a discount on Black Friday! The size of the discount also depends on you!
How the interactive will take place:
You need to select a module or template for which you want to get a discount in our marketplace.
In the comments to this article, write the name of the module or template (we write until 11/25/2021 until 12:00)
After that, a vote will be held in the chat based on your comments, the vote takes place within 24 hours!
How are the winners selected?
On 11/26/2021 the winners will be selected, the percentage of the discount will be equal to the percentage of votes. See the image below. Vote Percentage = Discount Percentage.
The discount will be available within 7 calendar days)
So, once again, what we do:
We go into the chat, communicate, promote the module as desired :)
We put a comment in the article example: "I want Integration with Meest delivery".
We vote in the chat, we get a discount.
Или модуль обмена товарами и заказами с Б24
Но его кажется ещё нет :(
Это очень популярная CRM почему ещё никто не сделал такой модуль?