Due to the fact that there are many questions about updating Okay CMS 3 * to subsequent versions, we decided to write a detailed instruction for updating the system.
System news
As part of supporting the old version of the system, we are releasing an update to OkayCMS 2.3.5 and OkayCMS 2.3.5 Lite, which corrects some of the notes that were in the second version, namely:
Small improvements that make the new version of OkayCMS 3.5.2 more convenient
Small improvements that make the new version of OkayCMS 3.5.1 better
The functionality of the orders section in the admin panel has been significantly redesigned and expanded.
Small improvements that add more flexibility when working with the system in the new version of OkayCMS 3.4.1
Added it is possible to customize whether / at the end of certain entities. This was done due to the fact that quite often when moving from other CMS to OkayCMS, you want to save the URL, and there brand pages may end with /, but product pages may not. Now this can also be configured in the "NC Settings" block
In this version, a couple of bugs were fixed, especially the annoying bug with noindex, nofollow for categories, which it is not clear how it went through all the tests.
Also, the footer now displays icons of only active methods about, and not all that are in the admin panel.
The new version is mainly dedicated to the fact that we have written documentation for the OkayCMS system . You can get acquainted with it by link . In addition to the documentation, the new version also includes several fixes, namely: