How do I upgrade Okay CMS 3 * to the next version with updates


Due to the fact that there are many questions about updating Okay CMS 3 * to subsequent versions, we decided to write a detailed instruction for updating the system.

At this link you can find all versions of Okay CMS 3 with changes
Important! If you want to upgrade from version 3.4.0 to version 3.5.2, you need to upgrade all versions in order.

Let's look at an example of upgrading from 3.4.0 to 3.5.2


Available changes for the next version, look here in my case the next version to update will be (3.4.1)

0. Make a backup of the database and files except for the files folder

1. Download all the required versions with changes.
2. Then you need to go to the hosting and the file manager.
3. In the file manager, select the update version ( ) select all the necessary files, except for 1DB_cnanges and the design folder,   and unload them with replacement. That's it, you have updated the site to the current version.

5. If the archive contains a 1DB_cnanges folder, it means that you still need to make changes to the database.
6. To do this, fall into the 1DB_cnanges folder

7. Then we find update_ 3.4.1 sql and open it in edit mode or as you like

8. Copy the contents of the update_ 3.4.1.sql file

9. We go to the hosting, select the database we need - SQL and paste the text we copied - click Next.

10. Now comes the tricky part. Updating the template. If you have a standard one, then you can simply re-upload the folder. If you made changes (and most often did), then you need to transfer the changes. The best way to do this is to use GitHub.
Go to the page with the latest version and see which files were affected

11. Files of interest to us are located in the design folder. The latest version had two such files

12. Click on them, go down and see the changes.

13. Next, we try to figure out whether you need it, and if necessary, we transfer it individually to your template of changes. For ease of understanding, you can also read the contents of the new version and try to understand there why exactly this was done. For example, here we see that the email_password_remind.tpl and mobile_menu.tpl files were affected
We go to the description of the update and see what fits it. We find the following

This is additional, if you want to understand what exactly we are doing. Most often, it is possible to understand by the code what has changed. We transfer these changes to our site and that's it, the system is updated.

Comments 2
03.04.2023, 21:09
Здравствуйте. В папке обновления на последнюю версию 1DB_changer, есть только файл okay_clean. В инструкции по обновлению о нем ничего не говорится. Нужно ли с ним что-то делать и для чего он нужен?
07.04.2023, 09:02
Дмитрий, нет с ним ничего не нужно делать. Это чистая версия БД для дефолтной системы
01.07.2022, 13:08
Нужно ли устанавливать каждую новую версию отдельно или можно сразу перескочить например: с версии 4.0.2 на версию 4.3.0
01.07.2022, 13:12
Роман, нужно устанавливать все версии по очереди
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