Ajax filter

52 ( 4.5 )
Module Description

With the "Ajax filter" add-on, it will become much more convenient for your online store visitors to work with the catalog. Filtration of products in a category will occur in real time without reloading the page .

As soon as a person places a checkbox (tick) in front of some property, brand, etc. or pulls the price slider, the selection of products on the page will immediately change.

AJAX allows you to mark multiple values of the same property without having to wait for the page to reload each time. This technology also has a positive effect on the operation of the site itself: due to the fact that only part of the content changes, the load on the server and the page load time are reduced.

The module is designed to integrate with new versions of OkayCMS (2.2. +) And is perfectly compatible with the work of the system's SEO functionality. Filtering changes the page URL and meta tags .

In addition, after installing the add-on, sorting will also occur without rebooting .

Ajax filter filters products with different currencies.

Unavailable properties are crossed out and cannot be selected. Styles can be changed if desired.

Improving the user experience of interacting with the site always brings an increase in income from it. For little money, you will receive an increase not only in quality metrics, but also in a very real profit.

The add-on is not sold separately, as an archive. The add-on is installed by the developer within two working days after ordering and payment. When ordering the add-on, specify the access to the site via FTP. Installation is not paid separately, its cost is included in the add-on cost.

19.11.2018, 16:40
Сергей, на демо не открывается? Там да, есть такая проблема. И с URL тоже :)
06.11.2018, 07:48
На леске, с мобильного устройства, note8, android 8.00 фильтр срабатывает 1 раз и затем, панель фильтра даже не открывается
30.07.2018, 13:38
Это именно в нашем демо, в ближайшее время исправим это. В самом дополнении всё работает корректно.
30.07.2018, 10:33
На Демо URL не меняется
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
0 $
35 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer



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version 4.5.2