Photo for product options
The add-on allows you to set its own image for each product variant . After choosing an option, the photo also changes.
The product image will change:
- on the main page
- in the catalog
- in the product card
- compared
- in favorites
- when placing an order
- in letters to the buyer and admin
- in orders in the admin panel
Photos are taken from the uploaded images for the product: add photos of options in a standard way, apply, select the one you need from the drop-down list:
- Cash upon receipt
- Bank transfer
This module allows you to create bulk discounts not only for a product, but also for each of its options separately. You can choose whether to specify a discount for a product, for a variant, or for a product and a variant together.
The discount can be set for the number of purchased items or for a specific purchase amount.
The amount of the discount can be set both in hryvnias and as a percentage.
For each option or product, you can specify several discounts.
Module for creating options for displaying product colors and size.
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