Integration Key CRM

23 ( 4.0 )
Module Description

Thanks to the open source capabilities of OkayCMS, integration with KeyCRM is implemented carefully and efficiently: the module does not need to be finalized, it can be quickly configured by any PC user (programming services are not needed) - orders from the platform go to KeyCRM immediately after connection. The connection itself takes place in several steps.

Step 1. Add source to KeyCRM

Go to Settings → Sources → and click the Add Source button. In the window that appears:
1. Specify source name;
2. Select source type - "Okay CMS";
3. Specify URL-address of your store;
4. If necessary, select a manager for whom orders will be sent;
5. Specify the currency of the source;
6. On the User Access tab, specify who will have access to orders from this source.

Step 2. Get the KeyCRM API Key

Go to Settings → General and [copy the key]

Step 3. Set up the module in Okay CMS

Find the module on the Okay CMS marketplace and [install].
Go to Modules → My modules, find and go to installed KeyCRM module.
In the module settings, add the copied KeyCRM API key and click "Apply"

After that:
- In the field "Source" (1), select the source that you created in KeyCRM;
- Set up from which statuses (2) orders will be sent to KeyCRM;
- Set up correspondence of payment methods (3) and delivery (4) in Okay CMS with methods in KeyCRM;
- If you want to immediately send to KeyCRM all orders that are already in Okay CMS, then check the box "All order send in CRM" (5); When everything is set up, click "Apply". Orders will start coming to KeyCRM.

Please note: all orders initially come unpaid, but as soon as the payment status changes in Okay CMS, it will immediately change in KeyCRM.

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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
Free $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


0 $
125 $
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110 $
80 $
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