Module Description

The module allows you to create sets - sets of discounted goods . The customer of the online store benefits from buying cheaper, and the owner gets profit from upsells.

Possibilities of the add-on "Sets of goods":

  • attach a product to a specific product or to all products of a selected category to create sets
  • set a discount for the product in the set (% or numerical value)
  • set the period from which to what date and time the offer will be valid
  • display the set in the product card
  • display the set as a single item in the cart
  • add and edit kits in orders in the admin panel
  • compliance with site design

How to create a set of discounted products in OkayCMS:

After installing the module, the "Kits" item will be added to the "Catalog" menu. We go into it and click the "Add" button.

Fill in the name, select dates and times on the drop-down calendar and timer (interval - 10 minutes) to set the date.

The item with the customer on the card may not be included in the package. To do this, when editing a set in the admin panel, do not activate the item " Whether to include a product from the list below in the set ". Then the set will contain only the added products.

Select from the drop-down list the method of forming the sets: the item "Product" means that the set will be added to a specific product, and "Categories" - to all goods in this subcategory. When the cursor is in the field, a list of products or categories appears, respectively. If you enter a word from the title, the search will be performed and only the matches that match are shown. You can select several items.

product search for a set

On the right, we set up which products will be included in the set in the same way, set the quantity of goods, size and type of discount: value / percentage.

Apply the changes.

The list of kits contains basic information: name, duration of action, cost before and after, savings. Each can be activated / deactivated, deleted.

23.02.2021, 20:58
Под 3-4 версию будет интеграция модулем?
тут я так понимаю можно несколько комплектов разных создавать для показа в карточках товаров
26.02.2021, 12:51
Sergey, да будет. Ориентировочно к середине марта
16.02.2018, 16:59
Да, в ближайшее время сделаем видео. Примерно через неделю
16.02.2018, 16:54
Не очень понятно. Можете показать в видео как это работает?
Write a review
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
0 $
95 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer



The module allows you to set the price for packaging the goods and calculate the cost when buying by the piece.

0 $
30 $
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Ability to add two parameters for a product variant.

0 $
45 $
Watch demo

Ability to attach various files to the product.

0 $
30 $
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The ability to set in the administrative panel the end time of the promotion for the product.

0 $
45 $
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version 4.5.2