Selected Featured
"Related Products" are duplicated on the product card page, but new products recommended for purchase in the cart are displayed only in it.
This revision will be useful for up-selling in the cart. In "Related Products" similar models are shown, but in "Featured for the cart" accessories are displayed, which helps to increase the average check of sales of an online store.
Recommended items in the cart are displayed for the first item in the list.
- Cash upon receipt
- Bank transfer
The module allows you to reorder a previously processed order from the user's personal account.
The bonus system of purchases is the accrual of points to the client for purchases, which can be subsequently calculated.
The "Discount from the order amount" module for OkayCMS allows you to create an unlimited number of discounts from the total order amount.
The module makes it possible to export orders by the selected date and status in the .csv format.