Saving username and basket in cookies

Module Description

The module for storing data about the user and added items in the cart works as follows:

The data for authorizing the user on the site and his basket with the added goods are stored in the browser cookies . Thanks to this, the authorization of the visitor on the site and the goods in the basket are stored much longer. On the next visit, the user immediately sees his cart with the added purchases, and this helps to increase the conversion.

In the standard version of Okay, user information is stored in the browser session. Because of this, he remains authorized on the site only until the application is closed.

The module changes the operation of the content management system in such a way that the data of the visitor is recorded in the cookies of his browser. This allows you to keep your login active for days, or even weeks.

The add-on improves the usability of the online store, since after the first authorization and purchase, the client will no longer need to re-enter his data, and upon further visits he will be immediately an authorized user.

* By default, in the revision and on the demo site, the cookie storage period is 60 minutes.

27.10.2021, 12:01
Здравствуйте, дело в том что у меня такая же проблема, человек авторизуется, но после того как закроет браузер и откроет вновь, авторизация пропадает, приходиться вновь логиниться. Если вы разобрались с этой проблемой, пожалуйста поделитесь и со мной тоже. OkayCMS 4.1.1
21.10.2021, 22:36
А для версии 4.1.1 есть такой модуль?
У меня сайт работает на 4.1.1 и да он сохраняет товары пользователя в корзине, но он не сохраняет авторизацию пользователя, мне надо чтобы сохраняло, как быть?
21.10.2021, 23:39
Константин, странно, в 4.1.1. это работает по умолчанию и должно сохранять. Мы завтра проверим ещё раз этот функционал в стандартной системе
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
0 $
25 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


Module for authorization on the site through social networks.

0 $
25 $
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Add-on for creating a photo gallery on the site

0 $
50 $
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The module displays the last purchased products in a separate block on the main page or on the side.

0 $
10 $
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0 $
50 $
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version 4.5.2