Displaying categories in quick search

Module Description

The module "Display categories in quick search" allows you to add entire categories of products to the results of live site search .

When a query is entered into the search bar, the results appear below it in a drop-down list. To start a quick search, 1 character is enough. At the same time, the page does not reload until you press "Enter" or click on the corresponding icon. Thanks to the addition, the categories will take the first positions among these results and will be above the products .

categories in live search

Both higher-order categories and subcategories are involved in the search. Display conditions in the results: activity and availability of at least one product . Empty categories will not be displayed.

If an image is assigned to a category, it will also appear to the left of the title in search results. When you click on the desired category, the entire list of products in it will open in the same form as when entering through the catalog.

entering a category from a quick search

After installing such an add-on, it will become more convenient for users to navigate in your online store - they will find what they were looking for faster. And you will be able to offer those who use search, much more than 10 standard headings.

Please note: the module only works with quick search!

After submitting the form data, there will be no categories on the search results page !

17.01.2022, 12:19
Можно этот модуль обновить до версии 4.0.2 и до последней?
18.01.2022, 01:06
Александр, это модуль на вторую версию системы. Для второй и четвертой версии модули полностью отличаются.
Этот модуль не пользовался спросом и разработчик не разрабатывал его для четвертой версии.
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
0 $
20 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer



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