ChangeLog версии 4.0.0

Table of contents
  1. New license agreement
  2. Improved personal account
  3. Ability to prioritize discounts
  4. Marketplace in the admin panel
  5. SEO improvements
  6. Improvements to admin. panels
  7. Client template improvements
  8. Other improvements

New license agreement

  • Removed check for a license key
  • Added the text of the new LGPL license under which the system is now distributed.

Improved personal account

The functionality of the personal account has been expanded and redesigned.

  • Added during registration fields Name / Surname, Address and Phone, which are then auto-filled in the shopping cart.
  • Now you can immediately set up preferred payment and delivery methods in your personal account. When you go to the cart, they will be used immediately.

  • Lists of viewed products, favorites, comparisons, as well as products added to the cart for registered users are now stored in the database. This allows the user to log into another device and see all the data from the previous device.
  • The personal account now displays the comments that the user left on the goods.
  • In the personal account, tabs have been made available for separate URLs, in which all new information is grouped .  

  • And many more different little things.

Ability to prioritize discounts

The logic for managing the work of discount priorities has been globally redesigned. All this has been moved to a separate settings page, but the final setting turned out to be rather complicated. We described this in the documentation , those who really need to set up the priorities of discounts will be able to do it. Most at the initial stages will not need this, and when needed, then it will be possible to figure it out with the help of the documentation.

Marketplace in the admin panel

  • In the admin. panel, the display of modules from the marketplace of the official website appeared. Directly from the admin panel, you can go to the demo module or its purchase.
  • It also became possible to install modules directly from the admin. panels. To do this, you just need to insert the link from the order letter and click "Apply".

SEO improvements

  • We expanded the possibilities of generating templates for brand + property and property + property filters. In the section SEO-SEO filters, you can now choose

  • You can set templates both for any property from this category, and for a specific, specific property. As a result, for pages like, you can write a template like Buy : or <! ----> we get into an infinite loop. Also, the moment when the functionality of modifying tpl files did not process the textarea tag correctly was also fixed
  • Also, the ability to include comments in the code with a separate modifier has been made. This goes for the comments that added the modules. Sometimes there were too many of them and they increased the page weight. Disabling them will make the HTML page a bit lighter. Comments are now displayed when dev_mode is enabled in the config file
  • The problem with clearing the ok_router_cache table has been fixed, which is why sometimes when changing the parent category, if a non-standard CNC is set for categories, such categories would give a 404 error.
  • Fixed the problem described in the topic when it was impossible to enter 0 in the property value.
  • We introduced a direct link to change the password in the list of saved passwords in chrome using this feature. A trifle, but cool;)
  • We made a checkbox next to the "Multilingual Banner" banner. If a banner has such a checkbox enabled, then different images can be loaded in different languages. If not, then use an image from the main language in all language versions of the site. This is done for multilingual sites that write text on banners not in the layout, but directly in the image.
  • Improved the logic for defining goods from other modules in the import functionality. Such functionality may sometimes be needed for modules that extend the import functionality.
  • Added a check for the existence of product variants to the export functionality. Previously, this wrote a remark in the error logs
  • We expanded the functionality of the Okay \ Helpers \ CommentsHelper class, which now implements the Okay \ Helpers \ GetListInterfac interface
  • Made compatibility with the eighth version of MySQL
  • Made a database migration mechanism for modules. This makes it possible to update modules without making manual queries to the Database. More detailed in the documentation
  • Made it possible to register scripts and styles for the admin panel from the module
  • Improved a more convenient debug of sql queries for Entity
Comments 8
05.05.2021, 20:53
Пожалуйста, добавьте турецкий языковой пакет
14.02.2021, 23:19
Если я хочу создать сайт на версии 2.4 (ну привык я к ней), можно ли получить ее без проверки лицензии?
15.02.2021, 00:42
Андрей, да, мы выпустим новую версию, без лицензии, примерно через неделю
13.02.2021, 00:16
Здраствуйте!!! Я так и не понял 4 версия движка стала бесплатной?
15.02.2021, 00:44
Юрий, да, четвертая версия системы полностью бесплатна
09.02.2021, 13:21
Добрый день, скажите пожалуйста давным давно у вас была классная функция, поиска картинок по названию товара из админки. Она есть сейчас?
10.02.2021, 18:42
Николай, нет, сейчас то АПИ уже не работает, такой возможности нет.
06.02.2021, 09:32
При редактировании переменной перевода из админки получил такой косяк.

Notice: Undefined variable: coupon in public_html/design/default/lang/ru.php on line 333 Notice: Undefined variable: user_group in public_html/design/default/lang/ru.php on line 335 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /public_html/design/default/lang/ru.php:333)

посмотрел содержимое файла ru.php там значение переменных прописано с двойными кавычками

$lang['discount_coupon_name'] = "Купон";
$lang['discount_coupon_description'] = "{$coupon}";
$lang['discount_user_group_name'] = "Группа покупателя";
$lang['discount_user_group_description'] = "{$user_group}";

в оригинальном файле именно для этих переменных использованы одиночные кавычки. Как-то сыро для релиза...
03.02.2021, 12:58
Как получить лицензию на 4, если есть лицензионные 3.х?
03.02.2021, 12:59
Никита, 4 версия идет без лицензии. Вы можете просто скачать её с нашего сайта. Если у вас сайт на третьей версии - напишите в техподдержку, вас обновят
02.02.2021, 16:28
Ваш браузер не поддерживает прямой доступ к буферу обмена. Пожалуйста, используйте следующие сочетания клавиш: Ctrl+X/C/V.
03.02.2021, 13:00
Кіт, насколько я понимаю, это проблема у вас связана именно с браузером, который вы используете, а не с системой. Какой у вас браузер?
02.02.2021, 16:27
Все хорошо, но как с телефона вставить готовый текст при добавлении описания товара?
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