Working with product properties in OkayCMS (EDIT)


In one of the previous issues, we wrote about how to fill an online store created on the OkayCMS platform with goods. Now we'll take a closer look at how to assign properties to products. It should be noted that this functionality will significantly improve the usability of the online store for customers, as well as simplify the process of uploading to YandexMarket .

Working with the Properties tab

To get started, you need to go to the "Properties" tab in the admin panel.

This tab contains all the properties of the goods that are on the site. To quickly see which categories are assigned properties, you can use a special filter, which is displayed in a separate block (1).

You can move properties in the list by holding down the left mouse button on the corresponding icon (2).

To place goods in an XML file for further uploading them to a price aggregator, for example, the popular online service YandexMarket or Hotline, you can set certain properties by which the upload will take place. If the icon with "XML" (3) is highlighted, then the goods with the specified properties will be unloaded, if it is gray, this property will not be displayed in the unloading file.

The "Activity" switch (4) is intended for adding a property to the filter of the catalog of trade positions, which is displayed in the client part of the site.

The cross icon (5) deletes the selected property.

To work with several properties, you can use the drop-down menu.

To carry out the selected operation with several properties, you need to put a check in the box next to the desired name, then select the appropriate action from the drop-down list and click the "Apply" button.

Creating a new property

To add a new property of goods, click on the "Add property" button, which is located above the list of properties.

For the new property, you must create a name, for example "Size". Please note that the address link will be generated automatically (1).

If the functionality of your online store provides for a product filter, then to add a property to the filter, turn on the switch opposite the words "In filter" (2).

When creating a new property, you can specify for which product categories this property will be applied (3). In the example, we will select the category "Bag chair".

The fields "Property ID" and "Value ID" are required for further use of this property in metadata templates for category products. In our example, these fields can be set to the following values: razmer and razmer_value.

Save (4) the property you created and go to the "Products" menu. Having sorted the products by the "Chair bag" category, we will receive a list of trade items for which the "Size" property will be applied. Each item card from this category will display a new property.

Initially, the field with this property is empty, so fill it in, in our example we will add the "Large" value and click "Apply".

Now, in the client part, the filter will display the "Size" property, and the option to select "Large".

It should be noted that the ability to assign different properties to products is necessary for filtering and advanced search for products in the online store catalog. In addition, thanks to this functionality, the buyer receives more extensive information about the product, which contributes to an increase in the number of sales. We try to have all the necessary functionality in our engine. Therefore, according to many users, we have the best platform for an online store - OkayCMS Pro , this is a paid version in which a large set of e-commerce tools is already assembled.

We hope this article has provided answers to all the questions that might arise while adding product properties. If not, we will be happy to answer them in the comments or through the feedback form.


Watch a video on how to work with product properties in an online store on OkayCMS 1 *


We also recommend reading about receiving and processing orders

Comments 5
09.02.2022, 14:58
31.12.2021, 12:59
Вячеслав, да, в админ. панели вы можете нажать сортировать по алфавиту и свойства отсортируются по алфавиту.

а где находится эта кнопка сортировки? возможно, из-за того, что я контент менеджер, но не вижу в упор: есть движки "в фильтре", "ссылка на фильтр в товаре", список "использовать в категориях", движок "индексировать" и "индексировать новые значения", но нигде нет даже намёка на сортировку.
15.02.2022, 18:07
Вячеслав, вот скриншот, на котором это видно
30.12.2021, 22:36
Добрый день!
Есть ли сортировка значений свойства? Например, есть свойство "Длина" и множество значений: 7, 3, 96, 63, 560 и т. д., которые импортированы вразнобой, и так же отображаются на сайте при включённом фильтре по "Длина". Хотелось бы как-то их сортировать (не вручную в админ панели) от наименьшего до наибольшего, иначе покупателю трудно найти нужное.
31.12.2021, 12:59
Вячеслав, да, в админ. панели вы можете нажать сортировать по алфавиту и свойства отсортируются по алфавиту.
02.02.2019, 12:10
Спасибо большое! То, что нужно
02.02.2019, 11:50
Здравствуйте! Извините за позднюю реакцию на ваш ответ. В общем хотелось бы чтоб например если у товара есть свойство размер (33,34,35). Как можно сделать чтоб клиент мог выбрать определенный размер обуви? Просто все свойства выводятся через запитую.
02.02.2019, 11:59
Руслан, сделайте это через варианты товара
12.01.2019, 00:00
Здравствуйте! Я уже давно юзаю бесплатную версию вашего скрипта , но по поводу свойства товаров конечно вопрос есть. Как например сделать свойство к товару в виде выпадающего списка?
12.01.2019, 15:47
Руслан, Не совсем понятен ваш вопрос. В виде выпадающего списка где?
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