Reception and processing of orders for OkayCMS 3 *


For the effective functioning of an online store and, as a result, an increase in the number of sales, a well-thought-out interface of the client side with increased usability and an administrative panel convenient in terms of working with orders are needed.

In online stores built on the modern OkayCMS engine, in the admin. panel for convenient work of managers with orders, a special block is displayed. This block displays all orders that were made by users in the client part of the site, as well as those that were manually entered by managers based on the results of calls.

Various order statuses

The following information is displayed in the order block in the "New" section:

  1. date and exact time of ordering;
  2. a number that is assigned in order of priority;
  3. buyer's name;
  4. the number of items in the order;
  5. total cost to pay.

In addition, information about the receipt of payment is displayed.

If the icon is not highlighted, it means that no money has been received from the client at the moment. In this section, you can print an order for reporting, as well as delete it if necessary, for example, when a customer abandoned it.

You can also find the order you are interested in by the stage of its execution in the tabs specially designated for this.

A special filter is provided to search for orders by date.

The order card displays all the information necessary for its processing, including:

  • discounts;
  • the customer has a coupon;
  • method and cost of delivery;
  • the method of payment, as well as the currency in which the payment will be made.

The efficiency of processing applications is also added by a special block with additional data about the buyer, in which the e-mail address, phone number and comments of the client to the order can be displayed.

Ability to assign different labels to orders

Order managers can assign different labels to orders. For example, to clarify all the nuances of the order, you can assign the label "Call back". For orders for goods that are currently not in the store and in the warehouse, the label "Postponed" is provided. In addition, you can add your personal comment to the order, which will not be visible to the buyer.

The functionality of the platform for online stores OkayCMS also provides the ability to create your own tags. To do this, go to the "Order settings" section and select "Add tag". Here you can set the color of the label, as well as select the desired name.

It is worth noting that the ability to assign labels to orders greatly simplifies the robot for managers, and also allows faster processing of customer requests.

Comments 3
21.12.2021, 20:19
Здравствуйте! При обработке заказов в версии 4.2.0 есть нюанс, который путает менеджеров - нюанс статуса "не оплачен" в письмах. Покупатель оформляет заказ в магазине и оплачивает онлайн через платежный шлюз (в моем случае робокасса) приходит письмо менеджеру на почту со статусом "Новый" и статусом "Не оплачен". Вот пример оплаченного заказа со статусом не оплачен Возникает путаница о статусе заказа именно с платежной системой (онлайн оплатой). В случае с курьерской доставкой или самовывозе все нормально, так как заказ будет оплачен позже и он в настоящем времени является неоплаченным.
Как сделать так, чтобы после оплаты через платежные системы приходило уведомление о статусе заказа "Оплачен"?
Возможно я что-то делаю не так, хотя все пересмотрел и все перепробовал, ничего не получается.
21.12.2021, 23:10
Олег, вообще у вас должно приходить два письма.
Первое, после того как заказ оформлен о том что он оформлен и неоплачен.
Второе, сразу после оплаты, о том что заказ оплачен
07.06.2017, 13:47
А как автоматически понять что заказ выполнен?
07.06.2017, 13:43
Неплохо бы сделать так, чтобы выполненный заказ автоматически переводился во вкладку Выполненные.
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