The new version of Okay CMS 3.7.0

Table of contents
  1. Globally redesigned blog functionality.
  2. Other works that have been done
  3. gregwar / image (v2.0.25 => v2.0.28)
  4. smarty / smarty (v3.1.34 => v3.1.36)
  5. phpmailer / phpmailer (v6.1.2 => v6.1.6) matthiasmullie / path-converter (1.1.2 => 1.1.3)
  6. matthiasmullie / minify (1.3.61 => 1.3.63)
  7. psr / log (1.1.2 => 1.1.3)
  8. monolog / monolog (1.25.2 => 1.25.4)
  9. giggsey / libphonenumber-for-php (8.12.2 => 8.12.4)
  10. phpseclib / phpseclib (2.0.23 => 2.0.27)

Globally redesigned blog functionality.

Made it possible to create as many categories and subcategories as you like. We made it possible to add an article to several categories at once.

Made a section for authors. Made it possible to assign authors to an article. We display the author's photo, title, description and links to social media. networks. At the same time, if you turn off the author, then the article will not link to him, but the author himself will be indicated.

Made a table of contents for the article. The table of contents is generated automatically from the H1-H6 tags that are in the article.

We made it possible to indicate the time of reading the article and the date of updating the article.

Ranked the article

Added the ability to indicate a photo in the article, which will enlarge to full screen when clicked on it.

We made it possible to add several photos to an article and organize a slider from these photos directly according to the text of the article.

We made it possible to add a video to an article so that it looks beautiful and does not affect the responsiveness of the page.

We completely redesigned the pages of the list of articles and a specific article, to make a beautiful display of numbered and unnumbered lists and other elements.

We changed TinyMCE throughout the site, moved more used elements to the panel, and removed less popular ones. Made it more convenient to work with content in the admin. panels.

We made it so that the opened in the admin is remembered. tab panels after refreshing the page, so that if the content manager wrote a full description and saved the page, then after reloading the page, he immediately opens a tab with a full description.

Now the blog section is a full-fledged marketing tool, which has no analogues among other e-commerce systems.

Other works that have been done

The "Go to payment" button on the checkout page has been made brighter.

We made a clickable area with promo images in the product preview.

Reworked the display of the quick edit block for the administrator.

An opportunity has been made to switch to editing banners through the quick editing block. Add new images or replace current ones.

The Id block of the banner group in the admin panel is combined with the shortcode for the banner group to make it more convenient and create less confusion.

Added pagination in slides to admin. panels.

The following libraries have been updated:

gregwar / image (v2.0.25 => v2.0.28)
smarty / smarty (v3.1.34 => v3.1.36)
phpmailer / phpmailer (v6.1.2 => v6.1.6) matthiasmullie / path-converter (1.1.2 => 1.1.3)
matthiasmullie / minify (1.3.61 => 1.3.63)
psr / log (1.1.2 => 1.1.3)
monolog / monolog (1.25.2 => 1.25.4)
giggsey / libphonenumber-for-php (8.12.2 => 8.12.4)
phpseclib / phpseclib (2.0.23 => 2.0.27)

Now the content of the upload can be expanded, i.e. Having hooked on the short block to the feed, for which the standard module (YandexXML, YandexXMLVendorModel, Rozetka, Hotline) is responsible, you can add anything else from your custom module (for example, a video in a product card, promotions to offers, etc.)

The front_scripts_after_validate shortblock has been added to scripts.tpl , with the help of it you can modify the js validation rules.

Fixed a bug when the filtering ability disappeared when filtering by price.

Fixed an issue where not all properties were dumped to XML.

We made improvements in the New Mail module, which were described on the forum in the topic

Fixed disabling theme for admin.

Once we saw a bug with clearing directory settings. We made it as an additional reinsurance so that if empty directory settings came, then the default values would be written.

Added to Access rights for managers in export.

In the statistics section, we made it possible to filter by several parameters at once, and also fixed several bugs, which sometimes resulted in incorrect data being displayed.

You can download the new version by following the link archive with changes compared to 3.6.0 by following the link You can also write through the "Technical support" section to order an update.

Comments 1
03.06.2020, 18:09
Оооо, крутые плюшки)
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