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31 ( 4.6 )
Module Description

This module makes it possible to load products from the next page in the catalog of products (categories) without reloading the page

Administrative part:

After purchasing and installing the module, you need:

  1. Configure the module for display on the catalog page

Configure the module to display on the catalog page:

  • Configure the module to be displayed on the catalog page - Modules → My modules → "ProductsInfinitUploadButton" → Save information

  • Show the alternative name of the button (Allows you to choose an alternative name for the button to download products in the catalog)

  • Hide standard pagination (Allows the user not to display the standard pagination of pages for downloading products in the catalog)

  • Show the balance of goods (quantity) (Allows the user to display the balance of goods in the download catalog)

Client part:

Button for downloading products in the catalog - Display on the "Catalog page"

When using the catalog, the user has the opportunity to display a larger number of products without reloading the page.



26.05.2021, 10:24
Версия cms 4.0.5.
Версия модуля 1.2.0 - все работает OK, ошибки устранены, добавлена пагинация
21.05.2021, 16:53
Добрый день.
Нашли существенный баг при работе модуля:

При включенном модуле при форматировании или удалении информации в файле products_content.tpl (в шаблоне) - товары в разделе все равно отображаются без изменений, т.е. можно смело удалить файл - он никак не влияет на отображение.

Но, если удалить блок
{* Product list *}
<div id="fn_products_content" class="fn_categories products_list row">
{include file="products_content.tpl"}
в файле products.tpl - каталог с товарами становится пустым.
25.05.2021, 11:53
Evgen, доступна новая версия, можете скачать по той же ссылке из заказа или личного кабинета
21.05.2021, 18:50
Evgen, добрый день. Мы в понедельник разберемся
14.04.2021, 15:00
не работает функция $lang
21.03.2021, 19:54
Есть ли возможность в недалеком будущем оставить пагинацию ?
Это огромный + )
30.03.2021, 17:26
Evgen, в ближайшее время не планируем, но в постараемся учесть в новых версиях модуля
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
0 $
15 $
23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


0 $
45 $
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0 $
15 $
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Using the module's capabilities for an additional product name, more customers will be able to find the position they need. Often, manufacturers themselves create a product with several variants of the name, and as a result, buyers search for a product by different names and often may not find them.

0 $
20 $
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In order for the site not to look like a long, information-packed scroll, it is important to use pagination.

OkayCMS developers went even further and provided for their clients a page pagination function at the beginning of Meta data. Its main function is to modify the pagination text.

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10 $
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version 4.5.2