Product variations

6 ( 4.7 )
Module Description

The module allows you to create product variations based on one or more common properties. The iteration of variations in a product card looks like a list of stylized options with links to other product varieties. In the product catalog, each variation is a separate product with its own URL. Thus, the add-on also creates an internal linking of similar products, which will improve the behavioral factors of your store. The built-in functionality of variations (do not confuse with variations) of products remains unchanged.

Add-on features:

  • each product can only participate in one variation group

Key features:

  • choice of appearance of options: "Tile", "Color"
  • control of the display order of variations
  • smart search for suitable products for variations

Installation instructions:

  1. Make changes to the appropriate files. All changes are marked with the comment vedastudio_variations
  2. Make changes to the database using SQL query from 1DB_changes / vedastudio_ variations.sql file

Note: The instruction assumes that the add-on is installed on a pure OkayCMS with a standard template. For a store with modified code, the installation process may be different.


  • Go to the administration panel
  • Open any product and in the "Variations" block select one or several properties for which you want to create product variations
  • Add products to variation group and save changes
  • If desired, in the Catalog -> Properties section, define the view in variations by selecting the appropriate option. If you selected "Color", assign the colors you want to the values of this option.
  • Open the product in the custom section and switch product variations
05.07.2022, 14:09
Николай, откуда такая информация? Я - разработчик. Если дополнение будет куплено, оно будет адаптировано под любую версию 2-й ветки. Но не 3-й или 4-й. Также, если у вас сильно изменен движок, возможно надо будет доплатить за адаптацию данной доработки по реалии вашего кода, что естественно займет рабочее время.
27.05.2022, 09:46
Тоесть нужно купить не рабочий модульи после ещё за $ допилить его? смешно.
24.11.2021, 12:37
Модуль работает только с версией 2.3.4, разработчик готов помочь адаптировать под вашу версию, но за деньги ;) Нигде не указано что модуль не подходит под все версии, хотя и находится в категории дополнений для 2.х...
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
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23 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


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version 4.5.2