
The role of OkayCMS SEO filter in online store promotion

The use of filters in an online store with a large number of products that differ in characteristics is an absolute must. Thanks to well-tuned filtering, the user will be able to quickly find the product he needs, which in turn ensures a stable level of sales and more effective website promotion.

Work of the OkayCMS integration module with the Topvisor search analytics service (video)

What is Topvisor, what is it used for, and how do I work with it?
In this article, we talk about the functionality of the OkayCMS integration module with the Topvisor search analytics service.

Working with product categories in OkayCMS 3 *
Working with product categories in OkayCMS 3 *

How do I create a product category? How do I manage existing categories? What does the "monitor" icon mean?
In this article, we answer the questions related to the "Categories" tab of the "Catalog" section of the administrative panel of the site.

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