In this lesson, you will learn how to create a menu in OkayCMS and how to add a page to the menu, we will learn and step by step how to create a menu and how to add a second tab in the site header (drop-down submenu) in OkayCMS. Menu creation in OkayCMS
Knowledge base OkayCMS
Today we will talk about one very insidious thing - the & # 65279; symbol, which is Hell for layout designers.
Installation instructions for modules for OkayCMS 4
1. After purchasing a module, you will receive an email with a link to the module.
In the OkayCMS admin panel there is a section "Indexing Settings", which is located in the SEO block
This section is divided into two parts.
On the left side, you can make output settings
A new block has appeared in the design settings for customizing colors
These colors are written to a separate file in the template, which lies in ...
Two-step authentication requires not only a password when logging into the system, but also a code that comes to the phone number associated with the account. If an attacker somehow finds out your password, they still won't be able to access your Google account without additional code.
In this article, our friends from Netpeak Software tell you how to find broken links and how to get rid of them. Recommended!
Description of the large-scale SEO filter update and the entire SEO section
Instructions for installing the "Custom field" module on OkayCMS
Guide to migrating from a test version of a site to the main one for OkayCMS